Jay Killough, Ph.D.
Director, University Career Center, Texas Tech University
Adjunct Faculty, College of Human Sciences
For the past 20 years, Dr. Jay Killough has worked in Higher Education at Texas Tech as an Admissions Counselor/Director of the University Career Center, and adjunct faculty member with the College of Human Sciences. Killough has presented career information across the country, as well as, internationally at various conferences and workshops on topics such as Strengths-Based career advising and career search strategies. He teaches the Senior Capstone course in the College of Human Sciences where students have the opportunity to synthesize their degree and create their own career paths.
Killough received his bachelor’s degree in Public Relations, a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and his Ph.D. in Family and Consumer Sciences Education all from Texas Tech.
He is married to his wife Lacey and they have two children Graham and Elise.