
  • How to Become a NACE Blogger

    Do you have a story to tell? Can you offer a personal perspective on handling students who don’t show up for appointments? How did you set up a successful internship program? Do you have a best practice to share about advising nontraditional students, veterans, or students with a disability? What’s important to you about a diverse corporate culture? How do you help a liberal arts graduate find a job in a STEM environment? Are career fairs worth your time?

    Share your experience and point of view as a NACE blog team member.

    NACE bloggers write about topics and trends that are important to career services and recruiting professionals, covering everything from “your application doesn’t go into a black hole” to “programming and resources for LGBT students” and “how to counsel a student that it’s ok to turn down a job offer.” (Please note: Blogs cannot be promotional in nature and should not focus on a specific commerical product/service. In addition, NACE does not consider blogs that have been published elsewhere.)

    Blogs that are written based on an experience or anecdote tend to be the most engaging and well read. Tips and how-to blogs are welcome. Read some of the NACE blogs to get a feel for the wide variety of topics and writing styles.

    Blogs average 500 to 1,500 words. Many bloggers contribute a blog once every two months, but frequency is flexible. (Please note: You must be a NACE member to write for the NACE Blog. In addition, we ask that you complete your NACE Community profile, including a short bio and your picture, to introduce yourself to your readers, who will be able to connect and network with you by clicking on your blog’s byline.)

    Bloggers submit their blogs by e-mail to Claudia Allen [] and are notified when a publication date is set. When they are published, blogs are tweeted on the NACEOrg Twitter page, and a link to the blog is added to the NACE Facebook page.

    Now is a great time to join the NACE blog team and share your experience through a personal/professional story.

    If you’re interested in blogging, please contact Claudia Allen at